所以,你决定踏入未来,自由飞翔,割断束缚. We’re so excited for you! Your life is about to level-up.

Luckily, video streaming options keep growing. This is where we can help. 我们的“剪线人指南”将帮助您准确地找出您现在想要观看的内容所需的设备和服务. And we know you’ll never yearn for the days of cable-past.

Cable Cord Cutting Basics

在你经历按1的重音之前,重复“CANCEL”. MY. SERVICE.,然后等上一个小时,让我们来确保你准备好了.

Step One: find a good great internet service provider

你需要一个健康的极速赛车正规官网开奖网址连接来支持你要做的所有流媒体. Though many streaming services are leveraging caching, 如果你打算在客厅看电视,而你的室友在卧室看Netflix,你在和妈妈facetime聊天,在工作上保持活跃... well. We’re talking at least 25Mbps for one 4K stream - for all that, you probably need 80Mbps to be safe.

如果你当前的网络带宽可以处理它运行 simple test.


Step Two: choose a device (or two)

有很多选项可以支持流媒体服务 streaming boxes and sticks and laptops, to smart TVs and over-the-air antennas. 也许你已经把你的设备连上了极速赛车正规官网开奖网址,或者你想补充你客厅里的东西. If you need help deciding what is right for you, check out this overview.

Step Three: subscribe to streaming services

除非你因为讨厌电视而打算切断有线电视(但是...we’re in the golden age?!), you’ll need to subscribe to some streaming services. Chances are, 你可能已经订阅了Netflix(或使用你前女友叔叔的登录名), Hulu, or HBO Now. Maybe everything you watch is on those, so you’re already set.

你担心直播推特会破坏你最喜欢的真人秀或情景喜剧吗? 也许你更关心大型体育比赛或颁奖典礼? You just need to find the right streaming services.

We've got a lot of suggestions here.

With waaaay more to come. Which brings us to...

Streaming Services: The Starter Pack

说到看电视,每个人都有自己精致的品味. Are you a sitcom addict? Bachelor(ette) fan? 新闻迷,纪录片迷,或者单口喜剧极速赛车正规开奖官网网站家? Whatever you like to watch, 好消息是你可以在极速赛车正规官网开奖网址上找到它, through an app, or with an added-on device.

Here are some of the most popular, basic solutions.


Netflix一开始是把dvd直接送到你的邮箱里,很快就变成了一个数字平台(但你仍然可以把dvd送到你的邮箱里)!). While you can find a plethora of movies and shows on Netflix, some fan favorites include Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black, Black Mirror, any of Dave Chappelle’s new stand-up specials, and more. Seriously, this doesn’t even scratch the surface.

  • It’s a good fit for everyone - they have parental controls, a growing cache of content, and an already-huge trove of shows and movies in every genre.
  • A subscription is $12.两个高清流每月99美元——这是中间也是最常见的计划. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at anytime.
  • 从电视,电脑,平板电脑或智能手机访问Netflix -无论你在哪里找到WiFi. They even let you download shows to-go now!


Hulu订阅流媒体服务有很多原创内容, 聚合来自外部资源和Hulu Live的节目和电影. Some crowd-pleasers include The Handmaid’s Tale, Parks and Recreation, 你可以在《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》或《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》的回忆中漫步.

  • 如果你想跟上最新的电视节目,这是一个很好的解决方案, but don’t care about watching them live. If you do care about catching a show as it airs, 你可以通过Hulu Live观看几乎所有有线电视节目,还有Hulu的原创节目.
  • Hulu Live is a little pricey, at $44.每月99美元,但这意味着你可以随心所欲地观看体育直播. You can opt for lower subscriptions, which start at $5.99 per month.
  • Access Hulu on your computer, tablet, or phone through an app. 你可以选择一次播放多少流媒体——没有什么比在观看《极速赛车正规开奖官网网站》的过程中被踢出去更糟糕的了.

YouTube TV

YouTube,大家最喜欢的观看音乐视频的地方,推出了YouTube TV. Similar to Hulu Live, 该产品的特点是你可以在没有有线电视盒的情况下用有线电视观看所有内容.

  • If you’re a YouTube Premium member (a separate subscription), 你可以通过YouTube TV观看没有广告的YouTube网页内容.
  • It’ll cost $49.每月99美元,可以随时取消(不像有线电视). 这意味着你可以在篮球赛季注册,在棒球赛季退订.
  • YouTube TV is a great interface for your phone, 以防在你的球队参加世界杯时你被工作困住了, or the World Series, or the Super Bowl...you get it. 它也可以通过所有常规渠道(电脑、电视、平板电脑等)访问.)

Amazon Prime

如果你是亚马逊Prime会员,你已经可以使用亚马逊的流媒体服务了. Like Hulu and Netflix, Amazon has been dabbling in content creation, but they’re mainly an aggregator of TV shows and movies. 亚马逊Prime视频的最佳/最差部分-如果一个节目或电影不包括在你的Prime会员中, you can easily purchase it within the interface. 对你的信用卡来说很危险,但很适合满足你所有的流媒体需求.

  • 如果你已经是Prime会员,现在就开始使用这项服务! If not, an Amazon Prime membership is $12.99 per month (or $119 per year) unless you’re a student.
  • 会员资格包括流媒体服务以及亚马逊提供的其他一切服务(两天送达), Whole Foods discounts, Kindle books…).
  • 你可以从亚马逊上下载节目和电影,在飞机上、火车上、长途汽车上等观看. Available on the usual devices.


The newcomer on the scene, 迪士尼+无疑在那些怀念迪士尼频道的人中间引起了轰动, Disney movies, or looking for new Star Wars/rebooted shows to watch. It's all ad-free for a fee.

  • Disney+ is only $6.99/month and fun for the whole family; there's content for kids, the Marvel universe, Star Wars (so nice, we're saying it twice), and way more.
  • 迪士尼目前提供包括Hulu和ESPN在内的套餐,价格为12美元.99美元/月,所以你可以看到动画、电视节目和体育节目
  • You can take Disney+ shows to-go by downloading them. 听起来是个在家庭自驾游中保持平静的好方法.


你可能对过去挂在窗外或屋顶上的DirecTV卫星天线很熟悉. DirecTV通过提供最全面的套餐之一(不含卫星)进入流媒体服务领域. And then they rebranded when they were bought by AT&T. 这项服务提供了大量的频道(任何你可以用有线电视观看的频道)!) and add-ons galore, like HBO, CineMAX, or Starz.

  • 如果你看很多电视——也许你家里有很多电视观众——AT&T TV Now is for you.
  • 这是比较昂贵的选择之一,起价为每月50美元,然后再往上涨. The “Ultimate” package is $135 per month.
  • Access AT&T TV Now from their app, “anytime, anywhere”

有很多选择,而这只是冰山一角. 一开始你可能会感到困惑,但你并不孤单. More than 1 million people ditched cable in the last quarter of 2018 alone. 在你意识到这一点之前,你会想知道为什么你要用有线电视.


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